Monday, November 17, 2008

Size 2

I want to be legally recognized as a Size 2. I know that historically the measurements of my jeans and me have not been recognized as the definition of a Size 2, but shouldn’t our definitions of such things evolve with the times in which we live. I shouldn’t have to conform to some narrow definition of a size 2 made of years ago by narrow minded bigoted people who don’t understand the way we modern people live our lives. For a while some judges ruled that I was legally a Size 2, and my jeans and I had a big party and invited all of our friends. Then some bigoted skinny people decided to put a measure on the ballot denying me my right to be legally recognized as a size 2.l and it passed. I can’t believe how fataphobic some people are. What does it hurt them if even though I weigh a hundred pounds more than a size 2 that we are both legally a size 2?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Random Thoughts on my week and current life

Okay, I have posted for a while. I've had a months. I decided I better post something, anything so here are some random thoughts....
I volunteered to be music minister at my church because nobody else wanted it. Mostly what I do is pick out the songs based on the sermon. My pastor has been using the Old Testament scriptures from the lectionary. This has presented challenges for me in picking out songs. This week is the worst. The sermon is on Deborah including where Jael puts a spike in Sisera's head. I came up with a few songs that somewhat fit the theme. Today I thought of a great one...If I had a hammer.
School has been challenging given my aforementioned busy-ness, but we're settling down to our new year in earnest now. I've made a bit of a switch to a more Latin centered classical. I'm using The Latin Centered Curriculum as a guide. It's more of a challenge for both of us, but I'm seeing some results. One of the recommended books is Tales of Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb. The plays are re-written as stories, but they are at about a 6th grade level. Jack's been reading it and the other day he said, " Mom, wouldn't it be cool to go back and see a play by Shakespeare when he wrote it." It just warmed my heart to hear that. This book was in the "youth" section of the library we use. The children's librarian at the library tried to steer me to some easier versions of Shakespeare's plays. I politely told her that I wanted this book. I'm glad I did. Another thing we're doing is reading our way through American History. We're still in the early explorers stage, reading mostly biographies. We're reading a biography of Magellen right now. I usually try to read the book before Jack, but I've had to read it while he's reading this time. He's gotten ahead of me part of the time. The other night I was reading a chapter he'd already read. He asked, "Did you get to the mutiny, yet?" I hadn't, but then I told him when I had. He said, "Isn't it exciting?" I'm so glad he gets excited over history. This year for science, we're doing Botany. I'm very impaired when it comes to growing things. We planted herbs over a month ago and well, I'm pretty sure I'm just watering dirt these days. We're going to try again with some system my sister said is fool proof-We.. shall...see.... One thing that did grow is a bean seed we "planted" in a zippy bag with a wet paper towel and taped to the bathroom window. It's still growing long after the experiment was over. We've named it Jack's beanstalk.
Well I can't think of anything else to rattle on about so I'll close.