Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Update on my weight, homeschooling, and a sarcastic child.

Well, I haven't updated lately so I thought I had better. Let's see where to start?
Okay first my weight-I've lost a total of 35 to 40 pounds now. It is slow but steady.
I am still going to the gym pushing the limits of my comfort zone.

My child is a little weary of homeschooling these days. It interferes with playing with lincoln logs and building stuff. (Some unschoolers would say I should just let him play, but I won't go there today. He gets plenty of time to play.) Anyway, last week at church the pastor was preaching on rejoicing in suffering, etc. (typical lent sermon). Jack leaned over and said, "Like in homeschool, Mom." Then last Friday, he was working on a worksheet for math and said, "Sponge Bob is on right now, but I get to do homeschool. Hooray." I have sown sarcasm so shall I also reap sarcasm.

Jack is not always sarcastic. Last week after church we went out with friends to a pancake breakfast for lunch (it's a northeast Ohio thing pancake breakfasts last until 2 or 3). We had Jack and his friend Mae with us. Our friends had their two kids, one of whom is a 4 year old girl, Abby. Of course Mae and Abby chattered away and sort of forgot about Jack. Jack said, " Mae! Mae! I've got something to tell you." She looked over and said, "What?" He said, "Look!" and flexed his biceps for her. So it begins.

Well anyway. I am plugging along, still trying to lose weight, and having fun with the kid along the way. I will try to keep this blog up a little better.

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